Scherenmanufaktur PAUL

Scherenmanufaktur PAUL

How might we redesign scissors in the era of Internet of Things (IoT)?

Challenge Brief

Scissors have been around for hundreds of years and there are thousands of different types of scissors available. However, the basic principle always remained the same… until now!


At Scherenmanufaktur Paul, we want to challenge the status quo and explore how we can rethink high quality scissors in the era of digital innovation and the Internet of Things.


Let’s develop innovative ideas on how “smart” scissors might offer new or additional value to users in the context of home (e.g. kitchen) and industrial (e.g.  manufacturing) appliances.


Whether adding sensors and/or connecting scissors to other devices leads to superior products, this is your chance to be part of Scherenmanufaktur Paul’s innovation process.



Collaboration Incentive

The winning team will be invited to a 3D printing workshop to OpenLab Hamburg to turn your idea into something tangible. Travel expenses from Berlin (train ticket) are covered. Additionally, each winning team member will receive a gift card for Scherenmanufaktur Paul’s web-shop.


