Inputs about resilience for the ABC challenge
September 24, 2018
We thank Keone Kealoha from Kanu Hawaii for the following links in preparation of the ABC challenge and to learn more about current activities related to resilience in Hawaii. Everybody is encouraged to go through the resources and to meet Keone as a mentor during the Innovation Days! https://www.fema.gov/preptalks/aldrich - Aldrich makes a compelling case that social links are the single most important aspect of community resilience. And it's backed up with data sets from many disasters from around the world. Kanu Hawaii believes in this approach and is most interested in models that put community organizing first. Community based response is usually more collaborative and functions by group decision making process. Institutional response is usually a command and control structure and consolidates decision making to a small group of people. One idea here that we would be interested to propose is setting up a community resiliency network in potentially Waikiki (Resilient Waikiki) given the biggest threats to people and costs are there, AND ABC Stores primarily operates in that area. We have reserved the ResilientWaikiki.org/.com/.net domains for this purpose and have started work to engage. https://teamrubiconusa.org/ - Team Rubicon is an interesting model in that it engage veterans and retired (or active) first responders which make up 80% of it's volunteer core. The topic specific training and sense of teamwork / discipline allow TR to be highly organized, function efficiently and feel a sense of value from turning training into relief. TR is not closed to vets and still has a 20% volunteer core made up of non-vets. They are 77,000 strong though, amazing numbers. We are in touch with them and can potentially partner if desired. https://www.crisiscleanup.org/ - Crisis Clean-up is an open source platform to allow for group sourcing of volunteer support during disaster recovery. We work with CC and have a relationship with the founder Aaron Titus to develop a volunteer management platform to better manage volunteer engagement, not just during disaster but during non-emergency time. This model was created out of the desire for Occupy Wall Street to support the victims of Hurricane Sandy when prior, there was little oversight to how recovery needs were being met. This models reduces duplication of efforts and allows small or large groups to take on specific homes/streets/areas to support without overlap and duplication of efforts. http://volunteerweekhawaii.org/ - The theme for April 2019's event week is "Community Volunteerism and Resiliency". We'd like to support communities identifying a mitigation project in their area then leveraging resources to sign up, show up and make their community a safer place. We'd like to ask folks to 'opt-in' to participate in a community resiliency network (imagine 'Resilient Waikiki' but island/statewide). This project has been proposed. Click here to read the full report - this report, created after the false ballistic missile threat last year, has quite a bit of Hawaii based data around preparedness. There are also links here to the state and county multi-hazard mitigation plans but only the strong hearted research wonks should click these link. The plans are around 1000 pages... State Plan (Draft 2018): https://dod.hawaii.gov/hiema/sert-resources/hazard-mitigation/2018-state-of-hawaii-hazard-mitigation-plan/ Honolulu (2012, update in progress now): http://www.honolulu.gov/demresources/plans.html' Hawai‘i (2015): http://records.co.hawaii.hi.us/weblink/DocView.aspx?dbid=1&id=82052&cr=1 Maui (2015): scroll down for the link to the plan: https://www.mauicounty.gov/1832/Multi-Hazard-Mitigation-Plan Kaua‘i (2015): https://www.kauai.gov/CivilDefense/MultiHazardMitigationPlan
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